Thursday, February 26, 2009
Can Am Crown races this weekend in Fort Kent, ME
We are way excited to see our friend Maggie enter her team of Bray Hill Siberians to run the Can Am Crown International Sled Dog Races this weekend (Feb. 28th). She started out not long ago as a fellow "urban musher" right here in southern California, moved to Maine to dedicate more of her time to her growing kennel and the sport of dog sledding, and is now entering the "big time" !
Way to go Maggie! Good luck from all of us at "Team Arctis" and all your friends!!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Winter Wonderland California
Our trip to Mammoth was once again a huge success. After we dropped the candy apple red cart along the way, we continued on to June Lake, where we stayed for the holiday weekend.
What a quaint little town with wonderful, friendly people who welcomed us and our furry friends wherever we went.
On day 1, we went out for a nice little run at Hartley Springs. The temperatures were a bit nippy, but we had wonderful blue skies.
On the second day, we split up "Team Arctis" to support a couple of other teams, which left my "old" girl Gidget available for me to go out snowshoeing through the woods at Bald Mountain Rd.
Initially, the weather was still ok, but turned into a precursor for the upcoming large storm with strong winds and increased snowfall. Gidget took her job as "alpha bitch" very seriously and made sure, we made it back to base before the real storm hit.
On day 3, the expected storm finally hit, and we decided to just try to make it back to southern California in time and in one piece.
More pictures are here and here.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Back to Mammoth!
We'll be back in Mammoth this weekend to deliver a cart to a local musher. If you're in the area, watch for the Candy Apple Red Lightning blazing through the woods in the near future :-)
Since the weather forecast predicts another winter storm or two to come through the area, we may just have to stay the weekend to take the team out for a run on the trails near June Lake...oh darn!