Friday, January 14, 2011

Off To Snow Country!

First of all, a belated happy, healthy and successful New Year to all our friends, customers and suppliers, and thank you, thank you, thank you for a great 2010!
Arctis has grown and we've made a lot of new friends throughout North America over the past year and are very grateful for that!
The holidays were tremendously busy, so we're just now getting around to finally posting the first message of the new year, just when we're about to take off for California's eastern Sierra Nevada for our first snow run of the season.

We've been working on a few new products, like our "Easy Load Rack" for the cart, as well as some sledding accessories, which will be available soon (we're testing this weekend!).

Hopefully, by spring we will have a second type of dryland mushing rig ready to go. More to come in the near future on this one.

Last, not least, space is filling up for our free delivery offer in February (see post below).
If you are interested in a new cart by February, please contact us asap, so we might squeeze one more in before our trip.

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