Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011 Yukon Quest Sled Dog Race

The 2011 Yukon Quest Sled Dog Race starts this Saturday, February 5th in Whitehorse, YK.
25 mushers will make the 1000 mile trip to Fairbanks, AK through the wilderness of the Yukon and Alaska. Among the starters is our friend and Yukon Quest veteran Brent Sass of Wild & Free Mushing with 14 of his dogs, and his handler Kyla Durham, a Quest rookie, runs Wild & Free's 2nd team. We met Brent in person last year when he visited southern California and met up with our mushing group. According to his blog posts, his team is in excellent shape and spirits, and he just might be the one to watch at the finish line this year.
We wish Brent, Kyla and all other participants good luck on their run!

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