Monday, June 13, 2011

Arctis Cart in the Arctic...well almost.

Our "Bumble Bee" made it to Fairbanks, Alaska, almost all the way to the Arctic Circle...just about 2 degrees short.
Our friend Brent Sass of Wild & Free Mushing picked it up at the Fairbanks freight terminal the other day, unpacked it and put it right to work. He's currently running 8 of his Yukon Quest proven dogs at a time on midnight runs on local trails. Here are some of his first impressions:

If you are a facebook member, check out Brent's videos on his profile page, too.

Wild & Free's "Silver" lined out and ready to lead his team.

He recently made an announcement regarding his BIG plans for the upcoming season on his website and also mentioned his new training tool (aka Arctis Cart).
Thanks again Brent! All the best and good luck in the upcoming season and beyond!

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