Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Iditarod Veteran Karen Ramstead Mushing Clinic & Presentation

9-time Iditarod veteran Karen Ramstead will do a presentation about her mushing experiences and adventures on Friday, September 16th at 'Sit Happens' in Calgary, Alberta.
On September 17th & 18th she will hold a mushing clinic at the Rosebud Race Site in Didsbury Alberta, just outside Calgary.
For more information about these events, please see the event facebook page or the local events page and keep checking back at this blog for any updates.
For more information about Karen and her team of purebred Siberian Huskies, please see her website and North Wapiti blog.

...and just a reminder: we are planning to make the trip up north to attend presentation and clinic and will be happy to deliver a new Arctis Cart right to your doorstep, if you live in the vicinity of our route (click here for map). For details, please feel free to contact us by e-mail or phone (949) 280-7019

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