Monday, February 27, 2012

2012 Yukon Quest results and Iditarod preview

The 2012 Yukon Quest is in the books.
Veteran musher Hugh Neff won the 1000 mile race by a mere 26 seconds ahead of Allen amazing is that!?
Our friend Brent Sass and his Wild & Free team finished in 5th place and the 2nd Wild & Free team with Kyla Durham finished 11th.
Another friend of ours, Mike Ellis and his team of Siberian Huskies unfortunately had to scratch, after Mike got injured on the trail. Here's to a quick recovery, Mike!
Another notable story is Russian musher Michael Telpin and his team of Chuckchi Huskies. While most, if not all, other teams started with 14 dogs, he started and finished the race with 9. Yes, he won the coveted "red lantern" award, but he and his team did an amazing job.
Congratulations to all mushers, dog teams, handlers and organizers! Great job!

Now we're just a few days away from the 2012 Iditarod in Alaska.
Our friend Brent Sass and his Wild & Free dogs are at the start for their first Iditarod ever!
An Iditarod veteran, and also a very good friend of ours, Karen Ramstead and her team of "Pretty Sled Dogs" is back for their 10th "last great race".
We'll be following the race closely on the computer right here in southern California, and wishing our friends and all other competitors good luck!

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