Wednesday, September 19, 2012

End of Summer Update

It's been a very long time once again since the blog was updated, and always for the same reason...the shop's been busy, busy, busy.
Temperatures are slowly cooling down in some parts of the country and dryland season shouldn't be too far away now.

We've been flooded with new orders so that we had to make a slight change to our production schedule. Unfortunately,the new Arctis Cart design is not ready for its introduction, yet. The prototype is being built, but the vast majority of our time is being spent on filling orders to make sure that everyone who placed an order in time, will get to enjoy his or her cart this fall.

One new addition to our program was the "Brentified" version of the 3-wheel cart, thanks to suggestions made by Brent Sass of Wild & Free Mushing. We're using thicker walled tubing for this version, which adds about 10-15 lbs of weight to the cart, plus allows even more weight to be carried on the platform.
The cart shown below also has the substantial heavy duty crate to carry gear and supplies as well as a passenger.

So, once our fall orders are filled, there will be another announcement, in addition to the new cart design, for Arctis in 2013. We'll post it here and on our facebook page, as soon as everything is confirmed.

At this point, all our production slots for this year are filled. Any new orders will be delivered starting in January. So if you're in the market for a new cart in the new year, it might be a good time to get in touch with us now to go over availability, options and schedule. Please e-mail or call (949) 280-7019

Also, we're going to be at the annual Veterans Day Mushing Weekend in La Pine, OR.
For more information, please see Karen Yeargain's website.

As always, we'd like to thank our customers for choosing Arctis throughout North America, from Oregon to Ontario, Montana to Massachusetts and beyond.

Here's one of our carts in the vast wilderness of the Yukon:

and a few of them on California trails:

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