Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Wishing all our customers, friends 
and fellow mushers 
a happy, healthy and prosperous 2013!

What a year it was! We've been busy from the first to the last day, thanks to our wonderful customers across the US and Canada and now also in Mexico. If all goes well, there will be another country on a different continent added to our list soon.
Unfortunately, not everything went according to plan in 2012. Since it was so busy, we've had to move the release of our new cart model to spring of 2013, and the move to our new location was supposed to be completed by the end of the year as well, but we're still in the middle of packing everything up at this point, and will be on our way to the new location in central Oregon soon.
We'll have a much larger production space available to work on several projects and hopefully add an "Arctisan" or two in the process.
Speaking of projects: at this point we are completely sold out for January and March and have one, possibly two spaces left for February. If you are in the market for a new cart for spring training, now would be a good time to get in touch with us.

While we were still in southern California, we finished the last cart in "Caltrans Orange". Actually, the customer preferred this color due to his running dogs in hunting areas. It'll certainly get everyone's attention, no matter what the reason for the paint job.

We also had another reporter visiting our local mushing group. This time it was the AFP who wanted to do a story about "urban mushing" in southern California. They just uploaded a short video and should soon publish an article and pictures of their experience with our group.

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