Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Holidays & New Year 2015!

It's been way too long since we posted here, but the shop kept us busy, which is always a good thing.

In October, we welcomed our friends Brent Sass, Mike Ellis and Hugh Neff to Central Oregon for our "Wild Eyed Tsuga" weekend. 15 teams with almost 200 sled dogs showed up for a camp out and a few days of running, training and talking dogs. Based on the feedback we received, everyone had a great time and is already wondering what next fall will bring. We will have to wait and see.
Here are some of the pictures and a great write-up by Carol Pepsick.

A few additions to our cart program are going to be made public in the beginning of 2015. No entirely new designs, but a couple nice options to round out our current models. Be sure to keep an eye on this blog and our facebook page for pictures and details.

We're also in the final planning stages for a new adventure in early 2015, and another event here in Central Oregon in spring, and will post details here as well, as soon as everything's ready to go.

Thank you all for your support throughout the year and we hope to see many of you out on the trails in the new year!

Arctis is, once again, a proud supporter of North Wapiti Kennels, Wild & Free Mushing and Team Tsuga Siberians through 2015.

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